How We Are Governed

The governing body of the Quonochontaug Central Beach Fire District (QCBFD) is it's Board of Governors (BOG). Four standing Committees and several managers have responsibility for specified matters and activities, subject to oversight by the BOG.

The Board is comprised of a Moderator, a Treasurer, a Clerk, and seven other Governors elected by the voters of the District. Chairs, Committee Members, and Managers are appointed by the BOG. All members of the Board of Governors, Committees and Managers are volunteers.

The duties and responsibilities of the BOG are set forth in the QCBFD By-Laws. The duties of the Committees and Managers are determined by the BOG. The responsibilities of each are the maintenance of community assets and the provision of services to the District residents. 

BOG and Committee Meetings are held in accordance with the RI Open Meetings Act and are open to the public. Meeting dates are posted on the Central Beach bulletin boards located at the baseball field and beach parking lot and, for your convenience, the Meetings page and Calendar on this web site. Also for your convenience. Minutes of recent meetings are posted on this website.

Under our 1930 State Charter, an annual meeting of QCBFD voters is held on the second Saturday following Labor Day. The provisions of our Charter allow for the District to assess taxes to support the operation and maintenance of District property, including our roads and our water system. An Annual Operating Budget is prepared and presented for approval at the Annual Meeting each year. 

Through the years, the community has agreed upon a set of Rules and Regulations by which we are able to maintain our assets and respect our neighbors. Click Here to view these rules.

How you can get involved:
We are a community governed and run by volunteers. Contact the email listed beside the Chairperson or Manager below to volunteer. We are always looking for help in the following areas: