Community Organizations

Seaside Gardeners: Established in 1993, the purpose of the club is to promote and preserve the natural environment and beauty of Central Beach. The club sponsors lectures, demonstrations, field trips and garden tours, as well as planting projects in Central Beach. Plantings at the Block, the Central Beach tennis courts and ball field, and the Central Beach sign at Central Street and West Beach Road are all the work of Seaside Gardeners. Dues are $20 per year. For information contact Cheri Stabnick at 322-0136.

Quonochontaug Historical Society: This organization was formed to educate and inform the community about the history of Quonochontaug by collecting, preserving and displaying artifacts, documents and photographs related to Quonnie. The society offers a variety of programs, mainly in the summer months, to help connect guests with Quonnie’s past.

Salt Ponds Coalition: The Salt Ponds Coalition stands up for the health and sustainable use of southern RI salt ponds. The SPC is the only organization whose sole charter is to monitor and protect these unique resources.

Weekapaug Foundation for ConservationA non-profit land trust located in Westerly, RI, dedicated to preservation of open space and clean water in the watersheds of the Winnapaug and Quonochontaug Ponds.

Charlestown RI Community Garden: The garden grows organic vegetables for those in our community who don't have enough to eat.Everything grown is donated to food pantries. They welcome new volunteers.

Charlestown Land Trust:

The Nature Conservancy:

of the Quonnie Grange

Town of Charlestown:

South County Tourism Council:

Theatre by the Sea:

Mystic Aquarium

Mystic Seaport:

Charlestown Farmers Market:

Guide to Organic Farms in RI:

If you have an organization you would like added, please contact the