Emergency Services

The phone numbers below are for non-emergency purposes. If you are experiencing an emergency that requires police, fire, or medical assistance, dial 9-1-1 immediately.

State Police

Hope Valley Barracks
54 Nooseneck Hill Road Richmond, RI 02898

(401)539-2411 http://www.risp.ri.gov

Charlestown Police

4901 Old Post Road Charlestown, RI

(401) 364-1212  http://www.charlestownpolice.org

Dunn's Corner Fire Department

(401) 322-0577 http://www.dunnscornersfire.com

Animal Control

Kathy McA'Nulty, Animal Control Officer

Charlestown Animal Shelter Sand Hill Road

(401) 364-1211 http://www.charlestownri.org/index.asp?SEC=28B80858-07A3-43A2-AB55-85A6858D3A0D&Type=B_BASIC

US Coast Guard Station

Pt Judith, RI (401) 789-0444 http://www.uscg.mil/d1/stapointjudith/

New London, CT (860) 442-4471 http://www.uscg.mil/d1/sectlis/units/staNewLondon/

Poison Control

Poison Emergency call 800-222-1222

Westerly Hospital

(401)596-6000 http://www.westerlyhospital.org

South County Hospital

(401) 788-1638 http://www.schospital.com

Charlestown Ambulance

(401) 364-3742